Entitled “Under the ashes, embers”, the 37th Panorama of Brazilian Art focuses on diversity, for both artists and curators, to build upon democratic ideals. The exhibition also promotes the pedagogical aspects of art and searches for structural rifts.
The 37th Panorama of Brazilian Art at MAM São Paulo. Photo: Bruno Leão/Estúdio em Obra
Jaime Lauriano, “Independência e morte”, 2022, acrylic, adhesives, charcoal, inkjet prints, drypoint and toy soldiers on MDF board. Photo: Press
Works by Xadalu Tupã Jekupé, at the 37th Panorama of Brazilian Art at MAM São Paulo. Photo: Bruno Leão/Estúdio em Obra
The 37th Edition of the Panorama of Brazilian Art, hosted by the São Paulo Museum of Modern Art (MAM São Paulo), proposes the deconstruction of paradigms that have been normalized in relation to colonial Brazil. Curated by Cauê Alves, Cristiana Tejo, Vanessa Davidson, and Claudinei Roberto da Silva, the Panorama brings together works by ethnically, racially, and gender-diverse artists of different generations. “Democratically, we aimed to assert the values of diversity, understanding that they deepen the democratic ideals also sanctioned in projects that, in their own capacities, confirm the resilience and primacy of our country’s art and culture,” said Claudinei Roberto da Silva.
Artists: Ana Mazzei | André Ricardo | Bel Falleiros | Camila Sposati | Celeida Tostes | davi de jesus do nascimento | Éder Oliveira | Eneida Sanches and Tracy Collins (LAZYGOATWORKS) | Erica Ferrari | Giselle Beiguelman | Glauco Rodrigues | Gustavo Torrezan | Jaime Lauriano | Lais Myrrha | Laryssa Machada | Lidia Lisbôa | Luiz 83 | Marcelo D’Salete | Maria Laet | Marina Camargo | No Martins | RodriguezRemor (Denis Rodriguez and Leonardo Remor) | Sérgio Lucena | Sidney Amaral | Tadáskía | Xadalu Tupã Jekupé
37th Panorama of Brazilian Art On display until January 15, 2023 Hours: Tuesday–Sunday, 1pm–7pm.
MAM Av. Pedro Alvares Cabral, s/nº. Parque Ibirapuera São Paulo/SP, Brazil
Translation: Zoë Perry
Works by No Martins, at the 37th Panorama of Brazilian Art at MAM São Paulo. Photo: Bruno Leão/Estúdio em Obra
Marcelo D'Salete, original drawings from the books "Noite Luz" (2008) and "Encruzilhada" (2011). Photo: Press
Sidney Amaral, Untitled I, from the series “Teatro do meu Fascínio”, 2014. Photo: Bruno Leão/Estúdio em Obra
Lidia Lisbôa, “Cupinzeiros”, 2022, ceramics, various sizes. Photo: Bruno Leão/Estúdio em Obra
Works by Laryssa Machada from the series Intercções. Photo: Bruno Leão/Estúdio em Obra