Call for applications
19 October - 01 December 2020
Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Berlin, Germany
Deadline: 01 December 2020
DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program
Since 1963 around 20 internationally known and qualified artists of all ages, with a unique distinguished artistic signature and a body of work of their own, in the field of visual arts, film, literature and music are yearly invited to spend 12 months in Berlin. Invitations to filmmakers are issued for 6 months. For visual arts, an international jury nominates and selects the artists. Therefore, no applications are possible for visual arts. Artists in the fields of literature, film and music may apply. An invitation to the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program is one of the most sought-after scholarships in the world. Therefore, because of the exceptionally large number of applications compared to the limited number of scholarships available, many highly qualified applications cannot be considered. The non-acceptance of an application is not in any way a negative value-judgment about the artistic work of the applicant.
Reapplication is possible.