Collective Nacional Trovoa

“We Don’t Accept Scraps From The White Art Circuit”

Group of artists and curators gathers in Brazil to hold a national rally of visual arts produced solely by black and non-white women.

Open invitation

Trovoa invites women from various states throughout Brazil to exhibit their works in the show. Even without any institutional financial support, the idea is to bring together those who wish to collaborate and to provide space and work so that this exhibit can happen and keep happening through exchanges on social media networks on Facebook and Instagram.

Underpinning the discourse of Trovoa is, therefore, using it as a rallying call to ground a platform and a movement. What was to be an exhibit, with a date for completion, is today a collective that seeks to foster leadership and individuality in art field. We already have a headquarters in Rio de Janeiro and we are seeking means of exchange not only of works, but of artists from all over Brazil as well as outside of the country.

Revolution in simplicity

“Structures are made in groups. The collective, National Trovoa, is a simple movement and in its simplicity lies revolution: keep on doing your work and debating about it, and recognizing as well what structural conditions were experienced in order for it to develop. Simply put: “non-white racialized women, be vigilant and listen,” the collective’s artists declared at the convocation. “So far, we have a presence in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Pernambuco, Ceará, Maranhão, Espirito Santo and Pará. We are more than 150 artists and curators together in the struggle to achieve visibility in the art world,” they concluded.

Keyna Eleison is a curator, with a degree in Philosophy and a Masters in Art History. A narrator, singer, ancestral chronicler, she is a specialist in art education, storytelling, knowledge harvesting – orally, Griot heritage and shamanic ritual. She also contributes regularly to the column “For eyes that can see” in Contemporary And (C&) América Latina.

Translated from Portuguese by Sara Hanaburgh.
