
C& América Latina (C&AL) is a dynamic, critical art magazine focusing on the connection between Afro-Latin America, The Caribbean and Africa.



Artistic Director: Julia Grosse jgrosse@contemporaryand.com

Artistic Director: Yvette Mutumba ymutumba@contemporaryand.com

Editor-in-Chief: Will Furtado wfurtado@contemporaryand.com

Managing Editor: Marny Garcia Mommertz mgarcia.mommertz@contemporaryand.com

Editor: Camila Gonzatto cgonzatto.contemporaryand@gmail.com 

Associate Editor: Yina Jiménez Suriel

Advertisement: Olivia Buschey obuschey@contemporaryand.com

Social Media Manager: Cristian Baena cbaena@contemporaryand.com


Concept: Julia Grosse, Yvette Mutumba

Publisher: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (Institute for International Cultural Relations, ifa)



Heitor Augusto

Anna Azevedo

Alexandre Araujo Bispo

Adriana Bustos

Tânia Caliari

Ramiro Camelo

Nan Collymore

Aldeide Delgado

Aïcha Diallo

Fatima El-Tayeb

Keyna Eleison

Cecília Floresta

Sebastian Frenzel

Julia Friedel

Will Furtado

Gabriele Genge

Daiely Gonçalves

Camila Gonzatto

Hannah Grimmer

Elsa Guily

Sonia Håkansson

Edson Ikê

Afonso Ivens-Ferraz

Nathalia Lavigne

Thomas J. Lax

Beatriz Lemos

Daniel Lima

Diane Lima

Luísa Lombardi

Fabiana Lopes

Molemo Moiloa

Jota Mombaça

Marny Garcia Mommertz

Sabrina Moura

Paula Nascimento

Gabi Ngcobo

Ana Paula Orlandi

Heriberto Paredes

Marie Hélène Pereira

Fábia Prates

Carol Ramos

Luciane Ramos-Silva

Luciara Ribeiro

Victor da Rosa

Magnus Rosengarten

Katharina von Ruckteschell-Katte

Beto Shwafaty

Theresa Sigmund

Adriana de Oliveira Silva

Yasser Socarrás

Yina Jiménez Suriel

Thiago de Paula Souza

Esteban Perez

Elizabeth Pozo Rubio

Ethel Tawe

Costa Tshinzam

Themba Tstosi

Yesomi Umolu

Lorena Viccini

Raquel Villar-Pérez

Cédric Vincent

Judith Waldmann

Elisabeth Wellershaus





Heitor Augusto

Ana Paula Siqueira

Cláudio Andrade

Catalina Arango

Marie Leão

Lenara Verle

Nathália Dothling Reis

Nicolás Gelormini

Raphael Daibert

Uirá Catani

Zarifa Mohamad Petersen

Zoë Perry

Renata Ribeiro da Silva

Sara Hanaburgh

Soraia Vilela



Nicolás Gelormini

Camila Gonzatto

Laís Kalka

Anne-Doris Lampommeray

Marie Leão

Rosana Moore

Zoë Perry

Loveday Wright



ifa – connecting cultures


The ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) is an organization operating worldwide to promote artistic exchange and dialogue between civil societies and to provide information about foreign cultural policy.


As the leading German institution for international cultural exchange, ifa devises and organizes German contemporary art exhibitions worldwide. We fund artists’ exhibition projects and award scholarships; the ifa galleries in Stuttgart and Berlin feature contemporary art, architecture and design from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.


We bring together people from different cultures through exchange programs and international conferences, and we support civil conflict resolution and transformation work. Special media programs enable us to support the development of structures in civil society. Ifa is also active in a wide variety of other projects in co-operation with foundations and other civil society organizations both nationally and internationally.

The specialised library in Stuttgart, the KULTURAUSTAUSCH (Journal for international perspectives) and the ifa internet portal are the most important forums for information about foreign cultural politics in Germany. Ifa is funded by the German Foreign Office, the State of Baden-Württemberg and the City of Stuttgart.


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