14 Outubro 2023 - 04 Janeiro 2023
Expositieruimte 38CC / Delft, Países Baixos
Sondi, Home 404, 2022, videostill Ghost. Courtesy: Expositieruimte 38CC.
Lisandro Suriel (1990, Sint-Maarten) has been invited by 38CC as a guest curator to collaborate on this exhibition. The foundation of this exhibition rests on his own body of work, complemented by contributions from three like-minded artists: Justin Reinir Croes (1990, Aruba), Ada M. Patterson (1994, Barbados), and Sondi (1993, Cameroon).
The exhibition To Sea at The Crossroads delves into the depiction of a world before colonialism—a time when the mysteries of nature took center stage, free from Eurocentric boundaries, and steeped in magic and rituals. Through various mediums such as photography, video, sculpture, and painting, these artists visualize a crossroads where the past and present converge. Suriel’s work serves as the common thread that connects these diverse narratives, creating a compelling and harmonious ensemble.
Rituals and Memory:
Ada M. Patterson showcases a selection of works from her series Kanga for the Present. In this collection, she adorns textiles with images inspired by the emotional experience of changing bodies in a changing world.
Sondi’s video installation, Home 404, explores memories of her birthplace in Cameroon and addresses feelings of displacement and double consciousness. Existing at the crossroads, the piece is aimed at healing diasporic wounds of displacement through a ritual conjuring of digital masks representing various spirits of transition.
Justin Reinir Croes also emphasizes the significance of ritual practices in their work by experimenting with indigenous natural materials. These rituals serve as a means for them to connect with a two-spirited self and their indigenous ancestors. Additionally, Croes aims to inspire decolonization in others by encouraging the embrace of one’s true self.
Expositieruimte 38CC Papenstraat 5 2611 JB Delft info@38cc.nl