Belkis Ayón, No title, 1999.
Havana, January 23, 1967 – September 11, 1999. Graver, drawing artist, curator, teacher. In his brief life, Belkis Ayón developed an essential body of work what Cuban visual arts are concerned.
Part of the artist’s creations revolve around Princess Sikan, a character from the Abakuá legend, which tells the story of the violation of a secret done by a woman. This character and his knowledge of the Abakuá world served Ayón as a vehicle to question reality. Winner of awards and scholarships, he participated in biennials such as Havana’91, Venecia’93, Maastricht ’93, Kwangju’97. He taught at the San Alejandro Academy as well as the Superior Art Institute in Havana.